Siberian Husky Breed Standard
The Siberian Husky is actually not one of the largest or heaviest of the most popular breeds of dog. They just seem to be very large because of their presence, and their close resemblance to wolves. They have the body shape, tail shape and ear shape as do wolves. Their brains are about twenty percent smaller than that of wolves and they are not physically capable of making all of the intricate facial expressions wolves can. And they are a lot friendlier than wolves.
Siberian Husky breeders try to breed their puppies to most closely remember the breed standard. A breed standard is a written or artistic description of an ideal representative of the breed (sort of like one of Plato’s “ideals”) ninety-nine percent of all Siberian Huskies will not comply with the breed standard in some fashion (usually in size, build or coat), but breeders try to get to that ideal as close as they can.
Not all Siberian Huskies are alike, but they do share certain characteristics in physical appearance and in character. The most obvious physical trait is that they do resemble a small wolf. Even if they have floppy ears and frizzy coats, most Siberian Huskies still have a wolfish stare that goes right through you. You can just about hear the wind blow when you look into the face. Although famous for ice-blue eyes, a Siberian Husky can have brown or odd-colored eyes.
They are medium-sized dogs, usually fifty pounds, sleek and athletic. They are square dogs, built to efficiently keep in body heat. They have double-layered coats that shed out completely once or twice a year. They can come in almost all colors of the canine rainbow (Harlequin is about the only color not seen – yet). They should look strong and ready to run. Their tails are usually sickle-shaped, but they often can go completely straight or curly.
The Siberian Husky often shares certain temperamental characteristics, which vary in degree from dog to dog. There is a breed personality listed as the official part of the breed standard that most breeders try to go by. Knowing the breed standard can help you determine if you can live successfully with a Siberian Husky. They are certainly not the right dog for everyone.
According to reliable sources on Siberian Husky information (owners and rescue organizations), Huskies are quiet, serious dogs who make very bad guard dogs. They need a lot of exercise or they will rip your house up. They need to see a point in obeying any command. This is a dog that can think for his or herself. You can’t be wimpy around these dogs or they will boss you about. You might need professional training with a Siberian Husky. They are not recommended for first time dog owners.